The Story of The Drake

the drake hotel
Without knowing the remarkable back-story, it would seem unlikely that the fabled Drake Hotel in New York City would have much in common with The Drake in Laguna Beach. One is now lost to history, and the other is quickly claiming its place as one of Orange County's most sought after dining and live jazz/blues destinations. The single thread that unites the "Two Drakes" is entrepreneur/founder Alec Glasser.

Alec, a native New Yorker, first became passionate about music while attending public school band programs in Queens. He was fortunate enough to receive both musical instruments and instruction in junior high and high school, where he learned how to play the saxophone, clarinet, and flute. As a result of these publicly funded programs, he was able to earn some spending money performing at bar mitzvahs and sweet sixteen parties. Eventually he secured gigs in teen bands at upscale summer resorts in the nearby Catskill Mountains.

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